Spoof or Troof?
Most of us lie around 4,000 times a day. "That can't be true!" I hear you cry. Well, no. It's not. But can you tell which of these are blatant lies and which are unbelievable truths? Spoof or Troof is brought to you by Mike Davis.
1: A manuscript, penned around 1500 by Luca Pacioli, shows what experts believe is the design for a laptop computer. Eerily, some drawings include a series of linked squares reminiscent of the ‘Windows’ logo.

2: A student in

3: Hunter James Harris, narrowly escaped death when his dog shot him during an outing in

4: Americans are allergic to green vegetables and eating them has caused massive problems.

5: A new ‘T-Ray’ scanner, operating in the terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum, can detect whether a person is lying by monitoring low level brain energy naturally emitted from all humans. Initially expected to be used by police and the military, the unit may soon be deployed at high-end job interviews.

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Image: Steve Wood
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