Plink, Plink, Booze To Go
By Helen Potter
There's a new innovation in convenient inebriation - just add water booze.I’m sure it'll come as little surprise to you that it’s been invented by a bunch of students. Dutch students.
Harm van Elderen and four classmates from the Helican Vocational Institute have developed powdered alcohol called Booz2Go. Simply top it up with water and you have yourself a lime-flavoured fizzy drink with 3% alcohol content.
"We are aiming for the youth market. They are really more into it because you can compare it with Bacardi-mixed drinks," said 20-year-old van Elderen. By this we assume he means that there is so much sugar in the weird concoction that you won’t actually be able to taste anything of note. (although these blokes seem to disagree.)
Booz2Go, is currently available in 20-gramme packets that cost between €1 and €1.50 ($1.35-$2). If you want to try some, just hang around street corners at the Helican Vocational Institute and eventually a shifty looking bloke in dark glasses will offer you some.
However, before long there could be booze next to the sherbert in your local newsagent. What a brave new world we're living in.
Get more from Helen, or keep on boozin:
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Image: Dominic Morel
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