Null Hypothesis is produced by the partnership of MAD productions. Every effort is made to keep information in the journal correct and updated, however, we cannot be held responsible for information that is wrongly presented or sent to us. Articles published reflect the views of the authors, and not the official views of the publication, the editorial staff or the owners. We take great care to ensure that all aspects of Null Hypothesis are accurate, however, we accept no liability for any misprint or mistakes that appear in this journal. Articles may be reproduced with permission.

Directors & Senior Editors:
David Hall
Andrew Impey
Mark Steer

External Communications:
Sarah Biggs

Publicity Assistants:
Christopher Booroff
Lewis Dartnell

Produced by:
MAD productions
ISSN 1745-7688 (Online)
ISSN 1745-767X (Print)

Web Hosting:
Vision Internet Services