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Comic science Comic science

It takes a great deal of intelligence to be a top comedian. They tell us that it also takes a great deal of intelligence to be a top scientist. So it’s heartening to find that so many comedians take time out of their hectic schedules to further the cause of science. Here are just a few selected publications from our foremost rib-ticklers:

Gervais, R. (1980). Effects of vigilance level on information: Transfer of median olfactory pathways of rats. Journal De Physiologie 76, A18.
The Office star Ricky Gervais brought out his brilliant DVD Animals to try and mask the fact that he spends his spare time frightening the b’jesus out of rats. Typically had to publish his findings in the pretentiously named Journal De Physiologie didn’t he.

Robinson, A. (2004). Catt flap I. Electronics World 110, 52.
A quality piece from the Time Team leader - pity his spelling’s worse than Baldrick’s.

Carson, F. (1974). Neuropathology. American Journal of Medical Technology 40, 251.
Neuropathology: it’s a cracker!

Fry, S. (1996). Fruits of the C. New Scientist 151, U2.
We can only shudder to think what might be meant by the mysterious ‘C’.

Izzard, E. (1972). Children of special value: Interracial adoption in America - Anderson, D.C. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines 13, 303.
Proving that there is a serious side to one of the UK’s funniest men.

Pace, P., Hale, M. et al. (1983). A simplified, miniature tea: CO2 laser using a semiconductive preionization technique. Optics and Laser Technology 15, 189-190.
You may think that Hale and Pace didn’t do much for the comedy scene, but they revolutionized tea drinking in the early 1980s. Before their radical tea miniaturisation methods came along we were all supping from teacups eight storeys high.

Laurie, H. (2002). Optimal transport in central place foraging, with an application to the overdispersion of heuweltjies. South African Journal of Science 98, 141-146.
Heuweltjies: A good word.

Abbott, R. (2004). The endoscopic management of arachnoidal cysts. Neurosurgery Clinics of North America 15, 9.
Arachnoidal cysts sound like the worst form of torture - who better to manage it then than good old Russ?

Dee, J. (2001). Untitled. Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association 37, 115.
Deadpan mini-maestro Jack Dee bucked the trend leaving his masterpiece nameless.

Connolly, B. (2004). SQL and data mining and genetic programming. Dr Dobbs Journal 29, 34-39.
Trust Billy to publish his article about mining squirrels in this fabulously named publication.

Some comedians even let their characters get a look in:

Blackadder, E. (1986). Recommendation to increase private-practice fees by 10-percent. British Medical Journal 292, 766.
Revealed: the reason why Lord Blackadder was one of the wealthiest men in Britain!

Partridge, A., et al. (1972). Levels of As-75 and decay of Ge-75 isomers. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 17, 560.
We were unsure whether this was really the work of the legendary sports presenter until we realised that cunningly hidden within the title of paper and journal is the phrase “I’m Alan Partridge, eat my goal” - well… it’s almost there.

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