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Nutty Nomenclature

Nutty Nomenclature

All species of organism are given their own specific name by the taxonomist who first describes them.  Every now and again the taxonomists allow themselves to have a little bit of fun.  This is our guide to some more mischievously named species.

Ytu brutus

Don’t get it? Then you need to brush up on your classics - "Et tu Brute?" are often quoted as the last words of Julius Ceaser.

What is it?
A water beetle just 2mm long.

Where is it found? Brazil

When was it first named? 1980.

Who deserves the credit? Paul Spangler, a beetle-naming giant from the Smithsonian.

Ytu brutus: the final words of a betrayed ruler and a tiny Brazilian beetle.Is there a picture? There is indeed, this is a juvenile beetle, which looks much more interesting than the much more beetly adult it will become. Ytu brutus's cousins also have glamorous names. The genus was given its name in the early seventies, ytu being a local brazilian word for waterfall. Of the seventeen known species most are named after Greek gods such as Ytu zeus, Ytu athena, Ytu cupidus and a favourite for Matrix fans Ytu morpheus.

Check out some other weird species names

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Friday: End of week timewasters
Title image: Andrew Bossi
Main image: Anne Lacy

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