Helpline for Pot Plants

I don’t know about you but I can’t help but think that there’s something nicely therapeutic about house plants. Perhaps it’s their no-strings-attached, cosily comforting offer of a way to ‘get back to nature’ having just stepped off the tube. One simple donation of water gets you a freshly oxygenated apartment and some cheery leafiness next to the TV.
The technology behind the Botanicall project is, according to interactive communications student Rebecca Bray, remarkably simple. A simple moisture sensor is placed in the soil surrounding the plant, where it measures the amount of water available for the roots. This information is then passed down a wireless network to a gateway. If the plant is in severe danger of drowning or dehydration, the gate opens to patch through a call to your mobile number.
The students have been surprised at how popular the idea has been, having received an unexpectedly high number of pre-sale orders for the software.
But if this is all seeming like a bit too much right now, I do have some words of reassurance. Despite your obvious failings as a plant parent, any wounded flora will take the disappointed rather than angry tone when the uncomfortable call has to be made, making their requests very politely.
And, having rushed home to aid the flailing shrubbery, the plants then check in once more to thank you for your efforts and to let you know that everything is now, thank God, okay. According to the team this stops the phone calls becoming too ‘needy’. Right.
As if this wasn’t enough, the plants are also given personalities according to their species – talk about stereotyping guys! For example, any spider plant owners out there can expect calls of a friendly and cheery manner.

Could this be the next big taboo? As if the problem of unwanted relatives calling up in the middle of meetings to complain about how neglectful you are isn’t taxing enough. Now, any forgetfulness on behalf of your plants will be splashed around the canteen for all to hear.
In one last desperate attempt at plausibility, Bray makes clear what Botanicall hopes to achieve. "We hope that the system will help people learn how to take better care of their plants over time and maybe not even need the phone calls after a while,” she says. How bleeding difficult was it in the first place?
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Image: Henrique Lopes/Gokhan Okur
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