Phunny Phobias
If you met someone who was afraid of paper or wax statues, wouldn't you tell them to stop being so ridiculous and get over it? Every Monday, Null editor Hayley hand-picks another bizarre phobia and tries to work out whether it's real or rubbish.
This week:
Bathmophobia: fear of steep slopes
What's so scary about it?
I'm not sure. Is it standing on them, walking up them, walking down them or simply looking at them?
What do the scientists say about it?
They don't say anything. One Marilyn E. Miner (if that is her real name) has allegedly written something about a related fear known as climacophobia - morbid fear of stairs or climbing. However, being as her paper, published in The English Journal, is entitled 'Charlie Brown Goes to School, I'm inclined to feel rather doubtful about it.
Hayley says:
"A complete farce. And if I ever find a bathmophobic, I'll be sure to take him straight home to my house, up a big hill, for a good clip round the ear. Rubbish."
So far: Real 6 Rubbish 7
Find phunny phobias from other weeks here.
Null's other regular features:
Tuesday: Nutty Nomenclature
Wednesday: Doctor Doctor
Thursday: Peculiar Periodicals
Friday: End of week timewasters
Erratically: The World in Brief
Image: Melodi T
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