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Food passes through the small intestine in about two hours, moving along at a leisurely 0.003 kph.

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Phunny Phobias

Phunny Phobias

If you met someone who was afraid of paper or wax statues, wouldn't you tell them to stop being so ridiculous and get over it? Every Monday, Null editor Hayley hand-picks another bizarre phobia and tries to work out whether it's real or rubbish.

This week:

fear of bums and beggars

What's so scary about it?
This one is so on the verge of being politically incorrect, I can't even begin to explain.  I'm sure there are lots of people who are frightened of the homeless, but they don't need medicating (as our old friends at Change That Right Now would have you believe), just educating.

What do the scientists say about it?

Zilch.  Despite a lot of blog-talk about hobophobia, it's quite possible it's something made up as a pretty distasteful play on homophobia.

Hayley says:
"This is all so very wrong.  Rubbish."

So far: Real 11½  Rubbish 11½

Find phunny phobias from other weeks here.

Null's other regular features:

Tuesday: Nutty Nomenclature
Wednesday: Doctor Doctor
Thursday: Peculiar Periodicals
Friday: End of week timewasters

Image: Jon Ng

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