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Between 25% to 33% of the population sneeze when they are exposed to light.

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Girls Hate Soggy Cereal

Girls Hate Soggy Cereal

By Hayley Birch

It’s the nightmare breakfast scenario. You’ve just introduced your crunchy nut cornflakes to the semi-skimmed, when, in your hurry to join their milky party, you send the sugar bowl sailing over the sideboard. Typical. And before you’ve had chance to sweep up the mess, your toasted flakes of goodness have turned to pulp.

Now, here comes the crunch - or not, as the case may be. Do you dive into your cereal undeterred? Or do you turn up your nose and escort the whole sorry, soggy mess to the bin, pronto? The answer, it seems, depends very much on what’s in your underpants. Or, to put it a little less crudely, whether you’re a guy or a girl.

You see, according to the Null’s latest study, aversion to soggy cereal is a trait far more common among women than it is among men. Nearly two thirds of ladies say they loathe limp flakes. One female survey respondent said, “Crunchiness is paramount, so I actually eat all my cereal dry.”