Woman Gives Birth To Rabbit
Sandra Manly, aged 52, has become the first woman to give birth to a live rabbit. Mother and bunny are doing fine and the proud father, Bill Manly, said it was, “his life’s work all in one little bundle of fluff”.
The couple, from Kings Lynn in Norfolk, have been trying for a pet for over four years, and had all but given up hope. “We had a couple of hopeful scans, but then nothing. Now, following a series of IVF sessions, we’re delighted to have a bouncing baby lagomorph,” said Mr Manly.
In a world first Dr Gillmore, the doctor carrying out the fertility treatment, was confident of future advances. “This time next year, we’ll hopefully be seeing couples give birth to llamas, armadillos and perhaps even tuna fish”, he said.
It comes four months after Laura Peterson nearly became the first to give birth to a Russian dwarf hamster, but it died shortly before birth due to complications.

Sandra and baby enjoy some quality time
Animal rights groups have called the birth and associated research ‘outrageous and totally unnecessary’ and have demanded intervention by the RSPCA and the EU. A spokesperson commented, “we should be encouraging the birth of babies here and leave the bunnies to give birth to their own”.
Dr Gillmore later declined to clarify reports of baby reindeer being ready for next Christmas, “we cannot comment as yet, we still have a lot of work to do with the antlers”.
Dr Gillmore later declined to clarify reports of baby reindeer being ready for next Christmas, “we cannot comment as yet, we still have a lot of work to do with the antlers”.
Images courtesy of Jason, Kelly and Bugsy Odom.
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uhhh......... I'm speechless. I don't know if we should burn her as a witch, or pat her on the back for the good job. hehe. Seriously though, that's f***** up.
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