Snail mail or poles apart
By Kath Walker
You can have all the technology in the world, but there are some things that just don’t seem to keep pace with the modern world. Take the postal service for instance.In Poland a man has claimed that a first class letter sent to him before Christmas took over twelve days to arrive. Now that’s pretty bad, even for the Christmas post, but it gets worse. The letter only had to travel 11 km.
Let’s analyse the evidence – 11 km in 294 hours – that’s 0.037 km per hour. In anyone’s language that’s pretty slow and in fact, it’s slower than your average garden snail; they travel at a speedy 0.048 km per hour. So next time someone uses the term snail mail, be sure to set them straight.
But fear not posties of the world, we've found a few things that are still slower than the Polish postal service:

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Image: Dino Perry
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