Self-healing Rubber Works
By Claire Chmarny
French Scientists have created a new rubber that has the ability to ‘heal’ itself after being cut apart. (See it in action via the BBC)This new material is able to be broken apart, reformed and then stretched. The stuff is then whole again within a few seconds and regains its full strength within an hour. Once reformed it can be cut again and again.
This new wonder rubber is a mix of silly putty and a rubber ball, and it contains vegetable oil and urea (a component of urine).
The science behind how this new material works lies within how the molecules are joined. The material is different from existing rubber because its covalent bonds (really strong ones that hold it together) have been replaced with hydrogen bonds (which are really sticky and like to hold onto atoms, the way water stays together).
So self-healing is possible because, after being cut apart, the new surfaces still hold a strong chemical attraction and ‘want’ to be joined again. The rubber can be reformed up to 18 hours after being parted.
This new discovery, which was published in Nature, was found in Paris at the Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution.
The research was headed by Dr Ludwik Leibler who suggested "Why not use it to make children's toys? Children are always breaking their toys. Wouldn't it be nice if you could put them back together so easily?"
The French scientists are already said to be making kilogram quantities and investigating how it can be put to commercial use.
We suggest they could try:
Non-puncturing tyres
Rippable, repairing, underwear (rrrgggll)
Stress-relieving rubber ducks – rip their head off, put it back.
Everlasting dog toys
A vest for Hulk Hogan so he doesn’t have to keep buying new ones.
Are you a budding Dr Nakamats? Send us in your suggestions using the form below.
How about elastic bands? I've just snapped my last one and it's p*ssing me off.
Andy, Dorset
A pouch that could be completely sealed and waterproof that you just rip open.
Claire, Dunfries
A good idea could be for condoms, if it can be applied. Perhaps we can even start making cars out of rubber?
Jeremy Martin
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- Genius - Pee-powered batteries
- Flawed genius - Ten best IgNobel winners
- Fungal genius - Rot-in-the-walls insulation
- Fricking genius - Hamster-powered shredder
Image: Celso Pupo Rodrigues
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