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Monkeys Take To The Streets

Monkeys Take To The Streets

By Mark Steer

It has been reported that hundreds of monkeys have taken to the streets following the destruction of their forest homes. The macaques have been running amok in the East Java province of Indonesia for the last three months, invading people’s houses and setting upon villagers.

According to local sources the trouble began when the ten-hectare Wendit recreational park which had played host to the previously benign macaques was partially cleared for commercial development in August. The monkeys, forced from their homes, took to seeking out food and shelter elsewhere – the nearest place being the village of Mangliawan.

The macaques have been accused of breaking and entering, stealing food and even attacking people. One besieged villager told the news website Detikcom that between 25 and 30 of the pillaging primates broke through his roof every day in
search of food. It’s not known whether the monkeys later knocked at the front door offering to repair roofs for a small fee.

If the situation doesn’t get any better, the homeless macaques will have to be dealt with. I’m reckoning that the aggravated burglaries won’t be ending in a trip to a correctional institute.

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Image: Elizabeth Porter

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