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Antarctica is classified as a desert, getting the same amount of rain as the Sahara Desert – about 5cm per year.

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A Walk In The Park

A Walk In The Park

Always on the case of the very latest products to hit the market, the Null’s Andrew Impey gets the low down on this season’s must have fashion accessory. It not only looks good, it feels amazing and best of all, it'll blow away all your troubles with every step that you take.

According to a recent survey, 72 percent of people in the UK feel seriously stressed at work on a daily basis. Not even the recent spell of sunshine can bring them out of their working malaise. Fortunately there is a solution close at hand – well actually more at feet really.

The world’s first grass flip flops have been created by Krispy Kreme enabling people to walk around on their very own miniature park. The concept of the shoes is based around the fact that 81 percent of people claim that a simple walk in the park makes them feel instantly relaxed.

Each shoe is covered with over 5000 blades of grass and takes about three weeks to grow. If watered regularly they can remain in good working order for up to four months.

Fashion is all about being current and moving with the times, however, it seems this is one occasion where you can let the grass grow under your feet.

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Image: Krispy Kreme

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