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Ray Bradbury

By Logan Wright

According to Ray Bradbury, he doesn’t write science fiction. Whatever he writes, some of it’s kind of like scion and a lot of it’s kind of good. His novel Fahrenheit 451 depicts a future world where creative and critical thought is a major taboo and in which all books are banned (probably even his own!) The main character claims to be a fireman but that title proves to be a little misleading. However, instead of sliding down a pole and hopping into a big red truck, he burns books! Once you get over the initial shock though, the book is captivating and thought-provoking. Imagine a world where I would have to worry about being censored. I think I speak for all of us when I say it would be completely [censored].

Another Bradbury science fiction work is the novel/short story collection The Martian Chronicles. Faced with a problem filled Earth, people are forced to colonise Mars. Once there, they realise Mars isn’t quite as cool as they thought (it’s much cooler, usually around -100 degrees Fahrenheit).

A top title from Bradbury:
Ray Bradbury,(2004), Faranheit 451, HarperVoyager, ISBN-10:0007181701

This book is available from the Null Bookshop. Just click here to buy (or here to pay in dollars).

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