Riaz Bhunnoo's Homepage
There are lots of words that could be used to describe Riaz. Dull is not one of them. From Latin American dancing to playing ice-cool funky house in trendy bars, Riaz is still on his mission to demonstrate that not all scientists are geeks. Yes it is possible to synthesise anti-cancer drugs whilst leading a highly extravagant if slightly incongruous life.
A long stint at Southampton University has left Riaz institutionalised and he is currently undergoing rehabilitation in the glamorous town of Swindon. His recovery has taken a sharp upward turn since writing for this slightly bizarre website (by bizarre, Riaz means amazingly witty - Ed.), and he continues to make excellent progress. One day he hopes to take science to the streets because he’s quite clearly ‘down with the kids’.
Riaz's articles:
- The power-nap pod
- Hummingbird's tuneful tail
- Vitamin chill pill for cons
- Feel the love mattress
- An injection of knowledge
- All hail the turbo toaster
- Yawns keep you awake?
- A fish out of water: tree-dwelling piscines
- Prawns feel the pain
- Can smoking sage be sage?
- The perfect breasts, scientifically speaking
- Mini-pigs and tiny tigers
- Bespoke bone jewellery
- Bad breath for a good heart
- How does it work: Brain freeze
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