End Of Week Timewasters
Every Friday, the Null brings you new ways to waste away your afternoon, and to avoid work, study or having to talk to other people. Join us in our quest to find the best timewasters on the web. Click on the links below for timewasters from previous weeks.
- Listen to space, enjoy plants and prove you're no idiot
- Bumper stickers, loving dogs and drawing lines
- Where the animals are better than you but still hiding
- Poke a penguin and fancy some pants
- Crazy golf, personality tests and making pretty patterns
- 3D shapes and digging to the other side of the world
- Velociraptor prevention and springy creatures
- Offset your cheating and travel to gorilla-ville
- Attraction, body slamming and the tenth dimension
- Make sweet music, eggs roll and dogs high speed
- Spot the Lunatics, Visual Earth and dancing cows
If this hasn't wasted enough time when you should be doing something else, try Heck Feckler's Friday cartoon column, Science Will Save Us.
And if that's still not enough for you, how about a Phunny Phobia or Peculiar Periodical?
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