The Big Question
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"If I feed slugs caught in a beer trap to my koi, will the fish become intoxicated? I would appreciate your comments."
B. Adelaar
Your Say:
Assuming fish do get drunk I suppose it then depends on the amount of beer the slug has soaked up. But here's a few back-of-the-envelope calculations. If we assume a ten-stone (140lb) man who's never previously drunk alcohol can get drunk on two pints of beer. Then, if a carp has similar tolerance levels, a 5lb koi would get drunk on 2/28 (140/5) pints of beer. That's roughly 40ml. Chances are that that's a bit too much for one slug to absorb. But, you might be getting the carp a bit merry.
Calvin Harris, University of Bath
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Image: Dominic Morel
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