Random Fact

The average person over fifty will have spent five years waiting in queues.

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Batting for the boys...

Batting for the boys...

Neal Anthwal

You’ve probably seen the adverts for the magazines with names such as Toss  and Balls: Mr Ladsy McBloke is sat with his feet up, reading his journal of contemporary unreconstructed masculinity, whist Ms Pretty Girlfriend is seen struggling to put some shelves up/fix her car/do a bit of spot welding.

She is, naturally, rubbish at it and her shelves are wonky/she gets her nice top covered in oil/she burns the house down, before breaking down in to uncontrollable sobbing. Women, tsk! Useless huh?

"Now obviously I’m a modern man, so I don’t really think all women are ... mal coordinated, over emotional idiots"