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Squirrels live for about nine years - roughly 1 in 5,000 die falling out of trees.

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Sweet potato

By Andrew Impey

As part of China’s second manned space mission, Shenzhou VI, sweet potato seeds were flown into space. Whilst on the five day mission the seeds were exposed to radiation, different pressures and weightlessness. Having returned to Earth the potato seeds were then grown on the beaches of Hainan Island and the resulting crop of spuds, named Purple Orchid III, were used in salads appetisers, desserts and even an iced drink.

The aforementioned cosmic veg are purported to be more nutritious and hardier than normal strains but even the manager of the company that grows them had to admit that they were “not much different in sweetness and smell, but tasted more glutinous". Mmmmmm, sounds lovely.

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