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Missiles Over Utah

By Mark Steer

Is that a missile flying over the mid-west?
It was headline news for a while, until some killjoy pointed out the obvious. In 2005, eager Google Earthers spotted what seemed to be a Cruise Missile flying across Utah heading for Canada at a rate of knots. Was this finally it? Had George W. confused fact and fiction whilst watching South Park the Movie and blamed Canada for the world's woes and launched an all out assault?

We sat with bated breath waiting for reports of intercontinental carnage. They never came. What had happened to the missile?

The sad truth was that it probably touched down in Salt Lake City an hour or so after this image was taken. Look closely at the image - that missiles got black wings. It was a plane. Off we all trooped feeling slightly foolish and blaming Canada for it.

You can find this on Google Earth, or probably any other of those satellity sites, at the following grid reference: 38o 13' 35.81'' N; 112o 17' 56.61'' W.

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Images: Google

Hub image: Asif Akbar

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