Panphobia: the fear of everything
By Hayley Birch
What's so scary about it?
Panphobia, also known as omniphobia or pantophobia, is the fear of everything or a vague and persistent dread of some unknown evil.
How can anyone can be afraid of everything? You're either afraid of lots of things (polyphobic?) or just quite worried about everything i.e. a hypochondriac. And shouldn't a phobia be a morbid fear not just some half-baked, vague dread?
What do the scientists say about it?
Having done some very brief research into panphobia, it appears to be a more widely recognised condition than I had first given it credit for. Or at least, it appears in the Journal of Insanity - whether you consider this credible or not is up to you.
Panphobia: True or False?
And as it turns out panphobia is mentioned by a handful of other slightly less comical publications. So grudgingly I have to concede that it is exists. True.

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Hub image: Palo Perez
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