Question of the Week

Scientifically, the film with the best theme tune is:

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Random Fact

A newborn kangaroo is about 2.5 cm in length.

Geek of the week

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Anne Pawsey's Homepage

Anne Pawsey's Homepage

Bear with us for a bit while we dig out Anne's biography - we've got a horrible feeling the dog might have made off for the hills with it.

Anne's articles:

Mine's a virtual pint

Power to the people

Goats can foil gas attack

Look down to find aliens

Unparticle physics

How it works: dark matter

The 25 hour day

A-salting the clouds

Can we make solid light?

Death by milky ray

Relativity works!

No sex please, we're rotifers

Want to talk to Einstein?

Botox for your bladder

Video games help surgeons

Nice gnashers not needed

Hydrogen fuel for flymos

Nuclear fusion: One step closer

Milk in tea stops health benefit

Security goes to the dogs

Now you can spy via satellite

Farewell to false teeth

Play SimCity for real

Sunshade solution to global warming?

Perfect pumpkins

The indecisive river




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02 Dec 2009
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