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Bra Face

Bra Face

By Hannah Isom

Are you struggling to come up with a gift for that vain, slightly self-obsessed friend, who’s the wrong side of 40 and just refuses to grow old gracefully? Well fear not, because the Face Bra hits UK shops this week, promising to rectify all of our wrinkly worries.

Unlike the traditional novelty stocking fillers, such as the chocolate penis or edible underpants, the Face Bra is actually backed up by “real science”, and is apparently a simple and effective solution to many of the signs of ageing - for men and women.

This innovative product was created in the US (where else?) and is the brainchild of Vicki Southard. The Bra is made of an absorbent cotton material, that is soaked with a combination of natural minerals and aloe vera, which penetrate the skin and reduce facial puffiness and sagging.

It can also be used to reduces excess weight around the chin area. “Shrinking a double chin is often difficult unless you address the underlying cause“ explains Southard. “Reduced circulation in the under-chin area can often cause a build up of metabolic waste that causes the area to bloat or swell. Special minerals in The Face Bra flush away these wastes, allowing The Bra to compact and tighten the skin.” Now I was always taught that the underlying cause of a double chin was eating too many pies, but that’s probably the reason I am not a facial underwear engineer.

The ingredients of the Face Bra, include an array of non-organic minerals - sodium, carbon, magnesium, potassium, boron and other naturally occurring trace elements with aloe vera. This concoction of chemicals, combined with the ‘light pressure’ of the cotton fabric is said to cleanse, soften and tighten facial tissue.

Southard claims that most people will see a noticeable difference after just a few treatments. And if it doesn‘t work? Simply add a pair of dark glasses and a trilby hat and hey presto! The ultimate invisible man costume for your New Year party!

To read more about Hannah or read more of her articles click here.

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