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Humans produce about 1.7 litres of saliva each day - yuk!

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Solar Panels to Power USA

Solar Panels to Power USA

By Steve Robinson

There was a muffled outcry with a lot of coughing and some sniggering at the back earlier today as George Bush unveiled his country's plan to provide energy for the 21st Century a huge solar array in space that's likely to anger many in the Middle East.

The announcement follows last month's dossier from Sir Nicholas Stern and his colleagues – the team behind Why Money Matters More Than People and The Working Class: Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em – outlining the threat to the global economy if action is not taken to prevent the increase of global carbon emissions.

The plan was presented to journalists and the media in a 16,000 page dossier at the White House on Monday. World leaders were quick to congratulate Mr. Bush on formulating a plan so quickly, saying that he had done remarkably well despite never previously engaging on the subject of climate change. One cynical journalist pointed out that this was because no-one had used the words 'economy' and 'carbon emissions' in the same sentence before, but he was quickly shown the door by security officials.