Solar Panels to Power USA
By Steve Robinson
There was a muffled outcry with a lot of coughing and some sniggering at the back earlier today as George Bush unveiled his country's plan to provide energy for the 21st Century – a huge solar array in space that's likely to anger many in the Middle East.
The announcement follows last month's dossier from Sir Nicholas Stern and his colleagues – the team behind Why Money Matters More Than People and The Working Class: Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em – outlining the threat to the global economy if action is not taken to prevent the increase of global carbon emissions.
The plan was presented to journalists and the media in a 16,000 page dossier at the White House on Monday. World leaders were quick to congratulate Mr. Bush on formulating a plan so quickly, saying that he had done remarkably well despite never previously engaging on the subject of climate change. One cynical journalist pointed out that this was because no-one had used the words 'economy' and 'carbon emissions' in the same sentence before, but he was quickly shown the door by security officials.
The announcement follows last month's dossier from Sir Nicholas Stern and his colleagues – the team behind Why Money Matters More Than People and The Working Class: Use ‘Em or Lose ‘Em – outlining the threat to the global economy if action is not taken to prevent the increase of global carbon emissions.
The plan was presented to journalists and the media in a 16,000 page dossier at the White House on Monday. World leaders were quick to congratulate Mr. Bush on formulating a plan so quickly, saying that he had done remarkably well despite never previously engaging on the subject of climate change. One cynical journalist pointed out that this was because no-one had used the words 'economy' and 'carbon emissions' in the same sentence before, but he was quickly shown the door by security officials.