Hayley Birch's Homepage
Hayley worked as an editor at Null Hypothesis between 2022-2008. She is now a freelance science writer/editor and all-round science communicator. You can find out more about Hayley and her work at manyfinewords.co.uk or read her science babble at the Words of Science blog.
Hayley's old Phunny Phobias column
To read other articles by Hayley click on the links below:
- Giant kangaroo highlights melting ice caps
- Girls hate soggy cereal
- Found: small blob with big potential
- Stand up for physics
- Student's dino discovery
- Science of shivering
- Love + Sex with Robots by David Levy
- Old style toys are in
- The molecule maker
- Broccoli saves our skins?
- Little'uns are life's losers
- DIY dentistry horrors
- Scientists untangle knots
- The fortean zoologist
- Voice of the vibrator
- Gold in them there trees
- Bleedin' obvious: last minute gifts suck
- Bleedin' obvious: bees like gardens
- Sad times for Italians
- Fine wines, good times
- Time out with Tickle
- Spandex space suits
- Rainbot gets the job done
- Non-story of the week
- Grandad kills mad rodent
- Cheltenham Science Festival '07
- The rules of distraction
- What's making you itch?
- Out of the horse's mouth
- The humble inventor
- Fruit sedatives for pandas
- Sex games on MySpace
- Sci-pop: music for the lab
- The perfect bacon sarnie
- Bleedin' brilliant
- Real monkey business
- The science of beautiful
- Cowbirds cause chaos
- Jesus comes out of hiding
- Lazy teens sci shocker
- The death of cinema?
- How to make a honey trap for HIV
- No rest for the sluggish
- Girls join the dark side
- Hobbits hit the headlines
- Moral codes made by monkeys
- Cure for Valentine's blues
- The benefits of being Nobel
- Please don't feed the humans
- In a spin over black holes
- Psychosis sufferers prefer Bush
- Bomb detectors get buzzy
- The many uses of duct-tape
- Big-brained bilinguals
- Depressed men get it worst
- Book review: Why don't penguins feet freeze?
- Kindred spirits
- Yahoo! says yoo-hoo to aliens
- Brass: not just doorknobs and monkeys
- The olive: friend or foe?
- Branded by your taste in music
- Mr. Soft
- Suicide squirrel
- Cooler than camels
- Turn on, tune in and lose out
- That's all folks for on screen smoking
- The good the baaaad and the ugly
- Age ain't important
- Genetics for the intelligent
- Snorers: we'll fight 'em on the beaches
Visit the Rogues' Gallery to meet some of our other writers.
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